Thursday, March 1, 2007

another comment

I just thought of something else -- when one of my students was completing the survey with the locations - he couldn't find his country. He's originally from the Phillipines so that's where he still associates as where he is from. I had to tell him to put USA.

In NYC we have a very international pool of teachers in our graduate program. They are all teachers working for permanent certification. Not only are the children in NYC schools diverse, so are teachers. I only had 8 in class although 5 more were supposed to be there. Besides Phillipines I have 1 from Ecuador and 1 from Jamaica. I also had 7 men and 1 woman who teachers kindergarten. All others are middle school or high school teachers, one special ed., one physical ed, 3 math, 1 dean of students, one music. The dean said that most of his job is with discipline problems. It's an interesting mix.

1 comment:

SK Wang said...

Ruth remindes me that we should remove the country items from the survey because it will reveal the participants' country. I change the item to "skip this question" and hopefully it won't affect the second activity.
