Friday, March 2, 2007

Greetings from London

Hi All,
So far we have made good progress. The students are completing the tasks on Google documents. It is an interesting project which is benefitting the students - not only in their knowledge of ICT but also in their percpetions of globalisation. We have eight students participating (some are more active than others).
They will be undertaking an extended school exerience very soon so this may be a little disruptive in terms of their input- apologies in advance if this is the case.


S McPherson said...

Excellent Ruth. I'm sure that we will all have challenges in keeping this project on schedule but we'll do the best we can. I think the plan is to share with each other the clues about the respectives next week. My class meets on Tuesday so we'll be ready Wednesday (hopefully :)) I also have only 8 in the class although there should be 4-5 more so we'll see. This past Tuesday was first class of the course. They are very curiuos about it so it'll be good. When does your class meet?

R Wood said...

I meet with my class on Monday, and again on Thursday. They are completing an assessed activity on Monday and I then teach them on Thursday. We are coming to the end of the taught programme and the students are let loose into schools to complete their final practice. Curious is the word I would use!

SK Wang said...

Thanks for all of your guidance. The success depends a lot on the instructor's direction and help. I'll send out the guideline for next week ASAP.
